Born in a small town on the shores of Lake Michigan, Lenya Heitzig moved to beach cities in California and Hawaii before settling into the mountainous terrain of Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she now lives. Her husband, Skip Heitzig, is senior pastor of Calvary Church.
As the executive director of Sheologie at Calvary Church and coauthor of two Bible study series—the Pathway series, published by Tyndale, and the Fresh Life series, published by David C. Cook—she delights in seeing God’s Word result in God’s work in the lives of women. Her first book, Pathway to God’s Treasure: Ephesians, was awarded the Gold Medallion. She also contributed a number of devotionals to the New Women’s Devotional Bible, which was a finalist in the 2007 Christian Book Awards. Her semiautobiographical book Holy Moments: Recognizing God’s Fingerprints on Your Life, published by Regal, helps readers see God’s hand of providence move miraculously in daily life.
Whether majoring in fashion merchandising, serving as a missionary with YWAM, or defeating cancer, Lenya thrives on adventure. Lenya’s heart is to reach out to hurting people through tangible acts of love. After September 11, 2001, she launched Mercy B.A.N.D.s (Bearing Another’s Name Daily), silver bracelets inscribed with the names of individual casualties of terror. Over 60,000 people, including 2,000 family members directly impacted by 9/11, have worn these poignant bands. Featured in The Washington Times, New York Daily News, The Dallas Morning News, Albuquerque Journal, The Denver Post, Decision Magazine, and an interview on ABC’s Nightline, these bands have impacted a generation of survivors.
In 2014 Lenya launched Reload Love, which touches the lives of children affected by terrorism.
Reload Love raises awareness by collecting spent bullet casings, melts them down and upcycles into beautiful brass jewelry. Reload Love encourages and empowers people across the globe to stand up to the terrors of this world by yielding the most powerful weapon of all: their hearts.
Reload Love raises funds to help provide tangible items such as relief supplies, children’s programs, and safe spaces such as playgrounds for children caught in the crossfires of terrorism.
Reload Love has distributed over two million dollars reaching 16 countries. In 2022, the Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque recognized Lenya as one of the honorees to receive a Humanitarian Award for an outstanding spirit of humanity in an international capacity.